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found an interesting blog about NS. it has quite a negative attitudes, but it's refreshing to hear (or read) someone talking about the experience so openly. an example:

"Imagine i had gone into BMT with a distasteful attitude. I can't enjoy 7 uninterrupted months with my better half as we wait for University to begin. I can't graduate two years earlier because of NS. As i think more about it, i'm really losing out. Here i am gaining useless knowledge about military technicalities and having an "experience" no one else can get, while the females of our age are in the Universities, learning real stuff. Stuff that matters. Stuff that can get them employed in the future. Stuff that help them earn money in the future. Stuff that can help them contribute to the economy. And we? Wearing tight uniforms, marching around, singing stupid songs that are made to brain-wash us recruits, and getting punished for minutiae about our uniforms and what-not. Oh, i forgot, I don't think i like grass.. I hate sharing a common shower room with ten other guys. I dislike male camaraderie; i'd rather stick to my girlfriend and go shopping in the malls, go catch a movie or something. Besides, i agree with the edited ads.

With this attitude, i enter BMT. With my tainted glasses, i view everything and everyone in the military as i think they are. NS is a waste of time. These commanders are fierce and have no life. Please. I am smarter than you are, i boast of perfect scores at my A-levels. You are a platoon sergeant who is just over me in rank but in the society outside these fences, you are nothing compared to me, a potential high-achiever. I am biased. I admit it. I like my tainted glasses. They help me see clearer."

this will be a really interesting read.